
Pro Jenkinsfile: Avoid These Common Mistakes – Part 2

Introduction Hello again, DevOps Engineers! Uncle Jenkins is back, ready to dive deeper into the world of Jenkinsfiles. Our previous blog covered some important tips to avoid common CI/CD pitfalls. If you missed it, check out Part 1 of this series to catch up on those crucial points. In this blog, we'll explore more advanced strategies...

by Karandeep Singh
Tag: Jenkins


Pro Jenkinsfile: Avoid These Common Mistakes – Part 1

Introduction Hello, DevOps Engineers! Uncle Jenkins here, your trusty CI/CD butler, ready to help you master the art of writing Jenkinsfiles. Just as a butler ensures everything in the household runs smoothly, I'm here to ensure your CI/CD pipelines are efficient and error-free. Let's dive into some common pitfalls you might face and,...

by Karandeep Singh
Tag: Jenkins

Application Security, AWS

Creating Production Grade Microservices Architecture on AWS EKS

Introduction The main goal of this blog is to provide production-grade best practices for Microservices Infra in a way to implement the entire system easily on your own. You’ll see what an end-to-end solution looks like, including how to combine Kubernetes, AWS VPCs, data stores, CI/CD, secrets management, and a whole lot more to...

by Sanyam Munjal
Tag: Jenkins


Jenkins Security Management

In this blog, We will learn how to secure Jenkins. One can manage security levels in the Jenkins environment and project security through "Configure Global Security." Securing Jenkins defines who is allowed to access/use the system. Jenkins provides 5 types of authorization. Anyone can do anything- This is the least secure setup...

by Prashant Kumar
Tag: Jenkins

Agile, Automation Testing

Dev-Test-Ops: The Way Forward for Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Competition has grown manifold in the last decade with a constant need for faster time to market, superior customer experience and continuous evolution. WIth the modern software economy becoming biased towards innovative products that keep pace with accelerating market demands, technology-led products appeal to early adopters and niche...

by Apoorva Chawla
Tag: Jenkins

Agile, DevOps

Integrating and Managing Old Artifacts through Jenkins

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) has now become the first and foremost necessity in Agile methodology. Developer's life has now become much easier as they can now focus on automating other tasks. Managing the artifactory using CI/CD tools is also important to optimize storage cost for the system. It is observed...

by Mohit Dayal Gupta
Tag: Jenkins

AWS, Cloud

5 Benefits of Using DevOps with Cloud

Product development has become highly sophisticated over the years. Unlike the yesteryears, business agility is the key to survive competition and market demands. Most organizations are doing away with traditional hardware inventories and embracing cloud and other digital technologies for the numerous benefits. Apart from moving to Cloud,...

by Kinshuk D Jhala
Tag: Jenkins

AWS, DevOps

Continuous Delivery Best Practices

Continuous Delivery is the methodology or a software strategy where code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for a release to production. Continuous Delivery makes the code deployment possible at any time by a single click. Continuous Delivery takes care of the testing process before each deployment in any environment....

by Shivam Agrawal
Tag: Jenkins

DevOps, Technology

An Introduction to CircleCI

CircleCI is the continuous integration & delivery platform that helps development teams to release code rapidly and automate the build, test, and deploy process using Docker container. CircleCI is a reliable platform that works well with languages like Ruby, Python, NodeJS, Java and Clojure. Steps to Signup with CircleCI Signing up...

by Ankit Kumar
Tag: Jenkins

Agile, DevOps

Infographic: 7 Best DevOps Tools for Agile IT

DevOps is a concept that emphasizes on building a culture of collaboration between developers and IT professionals. DevOps has been around for a while now and is being rapidly adopted by most of the software development organizations. Most IT organizations have formed their in-house DevOps teams that help in automation of end to end...

by Shweta Sharma
Tag: Jenkins

Agile, AWS

Introduction to Spinnaker – Global Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery is the term that comes with agile methodology. You want to make changes frequently and deliver them without hassle onto production environment. Spinnaker is a Continuous delivery platform developed by Netflix that can make your way easy. According to the official website: "Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud...

by Raghu Sharma
Tag: Jenkins

DevOps, Technology

Integrating SonarQube with Jenkins

Recently, we got a requirement where Grails Development team needs to have a one-click interface to run units test cases for their Grails application and send the results to SonarQube. SonarQube is a web-based application which is used for centralized management of code quality. We decided to integrate it with Jenkins to provide...

by Navjot Singh
Tag: Jenkins