Digital Analytics, Digital Marketing

GA4 Guide: 7 New Features you Should Know About

Google is one of the popular search engines that is constantly changing. The company released Google Analytics 4, which offers enhanced tracking and reporting compared to the UA property. GA4 is a new kind of property with modern features, offering a better experience to the user. It enables website and application data to gather...

by Poonam Singh
Tag: google analytics

Digital Analytics

Track your Business Performance using Analytics!

Analytics is a systematic computational analysis of your data and to keep a better record of your online business, it’s now a necessity to implement Digital Analytics. With rapid digitization, it’s imperative to analyse and evaluate the performance of your online business. So, it becomes more important to invest time in analyzing...

by Malay Iyer
Tag: google analytics

Digital Analytics, Digital Marketing

AMP – A Known Bug is Spoiling your Google Analytics Data

The concept of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) was introduced for increasing the user experience while browsing the websites on mobile devices. It helps by increasing page load speed, provides card views on Google, and cross-browser support for a seamless experience. If you are using Accelerated Mobile Pages, you must be experiencing...

by Ankit Gupta
Tag: google analytics

Java, Technology

How to Access Google Analytics Dimensions in AEM?

I was working on a project CONAG where I had to create a mapping page for Google Analytics (similar to what Adobe Analytics provide for AEM) in which I needed all the dimensions of Google Analytics so that I could map these dimensions with AEM variables. To get these dimensions of an account, we need to have Analytics object for...

by Rajeev Kumar
Tag: google analytics


Google Analytics Mapping Console in AEM

Web analytics is an integral part of every application. It is a process to gather useful information to measure the behavior of the visitors on a website, levels of traffic, the most popular pages etc.  These analytics provides various insights about the visitor such as: The audience: No. of visits on your website; know if...

by Rajeev Kumar
Tag: google analytics

Digital Analytics

Click Event Tracking using Google Tag Manager V2

From the analytics point of view, tracking user behaviour helps you a lot in defining the design of your web pages and making better business decisions. Based on user interaction data, you can make apt refinements in your design and take smart business decisions. Actually, the current web page layout you are viewing for this post has...

by Ankit Gupta
Tag: google analytics


Google Analytics Automation Script

Google Analytics is a freely available web analytics tool offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It is one of the most commonly used web analytics service on the Internet. Google Analytics provide immediate feedback through a dashboard in a language that our stakeholders understand.                    ...

by Keshav Kashyap
Tag: google analytics


4 YouTube Tips and Tricks Most Creators Are Unaware Of

While most of the creators are busy with their daily chores of making videos for YouTube, sometimes they lose out on possible revenue or opportunities because the video was not optimized properly. Search for “YouTube optimization tips” and you will come across thousands of articles and blogs talking about various tools available for...

by Akhil Kakroo
Tag: google analytics


Using Google Analytics for tracking Multiple Steps of a Webflow

In one of our projects, we are using a webflow for an order wizard. We needed to track the number of users converting a draft to a confirmed order using Google Analytics. This would have been simple if the URLs were different for each step. However, that is not the way webflows work and a similar URL is generated for multiple steps. After...

by Vivek Krishna
Tag: google analytics

Grails, Technology

What is Google Web Optimization, How to use or apply it in your project?

Recently as part of POC, I need to apply the Google web optimizer on various parts of the page to determine which content user clicked to best and will be most effective in getting conversions. For this you need to keep track of the various conversions, but how? That's where Google web optimizer come handy, providing reports based on...

by Tarun Pareek
Tag: google analytics