Our Offerings
We help you to unlock valuable insights with real-time social media monitoring and audit. Our social media experts help you to generate qualified leads from social media, minimize social risk by calculating the Net Promoter Score and analyze social media trends. 
  • social-media-monitoring

    Social Media Monitoring

    We are one of the leading social media monitoring and online reputation management companies in Asia. We provide real time social media monitoring dashboard to help you measure performance and impact of social media campaigns and analyse data to get actionable insights. Customized reports and insights are shared with you on a periodic basis for faster and efficient monitoring.

  • social-media-audit

    Social Media Audit

    We provide social media audit including listening and competitive benchmarking to help you understand online brand perception and share of voice of your customers. Data is collected from several million sites, blogs, forums, competitors, Facebook and Twitter profiles. We analyse this data to identify key drivers of conversation and help you gain competitive advantage by analyzing gaps between the target consumer preference and the brand perception.

  • social-media-risk-management

    Social Media Risk Management

    We are a global leader in social risk assessment to quantify, monitor and benchmark social media risk vis-a-vis competition. We go beyond the regular social media metrics and help you quantify risk by analysing millions of social data points and calculating a unique Social Net Promoter Score (NPS). A score on a 10-point scale from high positivity (advocacy) to high negativity (negative impact), NPS helps to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • social-lead-generation

    Social Lead Generation

    We help you with social lead generation and influencer identification on a daily basis. We do a persona analysis, capture customer profiles based on the targeted keywords, verify the leads and segregate these leads into different segments based on your needs.

  • social-media-trend-analysis

    Social Media Trend Analysis

    We help you map out social media trends in product preferences, brand perceptions and consumer behaviour. Our analysis helps companies gain insights into their industry and target audiences and make effective marketing decisions.


Do you also have these queries?

  • How is Social Media Monitoring different from Online Reputation Management?

    Online Reputation Management is a specialized sub-service within Social Media Monitoring wherein the main emphasis is on sentiment analysis and a very quick turnaround time. It includes constant monitoring of online brand mentions and sentiments. Online Reputation Management is imperative to build a successful brand. Brand Monitoring, Social Listening, and Social Media Analysis are other names of Social Media Monitoring service.

  • Which social media listening and monitoring tools does the team use to drive insights?

    Our social media analytics team is well versed with all the leading social media tools and dashboards and can use them to come up with actionable business insights through social media audit. Some of the tools we use are ThoughtBuzz, Sysomos, Radian6, and many others depending on the client's needs. Having experience on most of the best-in-class tools available, we can incorporate client's request for a particular social media monitoring tool and customize dashboards as per their requirements.

  • What are the key industries you currently help measure social media?

    We have gathered deep industry knowledge over the years with engagements and social media audits across a variety of industries. We primarily work for Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, FMCG, Hospitality, Government, Educational Institutes, Entertainment Companies, Online Content and even start- ups among many other. We have industry experts who help transform social media data into actionable insights for different industries.

  • Which social channels work best for the social lead generation?

    We have found that LinkedIn is one of the best sources for social lead generation. But this depends on the nature of your business. Facebook is also an effective channel for lead generation through social media. Facebook advertising ensures that you are reaching the right audience giving you qualified leads. Google+ Hangouts are also a great way to generate brand awareness. SlideShare and some other content sharing platforms can also be leveraged for the social lead generation.

  • Why should I undertake a social media trend analysis?

    Most companies focus only on social media monitoring for their own brands and sometimes their competitors. But they forget to tap the wealth of information on social media channels about the industry and customers. Analysis of this data can provide actionable business insights. We help organizations understand changing consumer trends in their industry and identify and segment their target audiences through Social Media Trend Analysis.

  • For which key industries have you helped clients understand trends?

    We work across a variety of industries. We primarily have engagements in Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, FMCG, Hospitality, Government, Educational Institutes, Entertainment Companies, Online Content and even start-ups among many other. Our deep understanding of each industry allows us to build insights and industry knowledge, which can help clients make better decisions from branding to go-to-market strategies.
